“Focus” and Time to get the hell outta Dodge again!
Last night, (well…by the time I post this puppy, it’ll probably be night before last, but who’s counting?) I had the honor of attending an amazing event with even more amazing women hosted by the singular, Beth Caldwell. Beth is a force of nature and created Pittsburgh Professional Women many moons ago to educate, inspire, support and empower women.
She and those within her organization have helped me in countless ways as I’ve navigated through these first few quarters of young business life. So…to set the stage, at each of her events, she always has these interesting ice breaker prompts/questions at the tables to get folks talking to each other. Last night was no exception.
I went first at our table. In my not-so-humble-opinion, there are no canned answers for things like this unless you are working on your answer while others are going ahead of you.
So question #4:
What do you need help with?
Answer: FOCUS.
I told the table of entrepreneurs about how I want to make E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. Launch E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. I don’t want to be put in a box, so I branch out. I want to see if I can do it, so I do it. But I do need to get things actually DONE instead of starting 9000 things.
Multi-disciplinary doesn’t even seem to capture it right now…and then when you go to apply for something…that’s all they want you to be…in some small little box. I HATE THAT! I REJECT THAT! How to combat it in the real world, though? Still working through that particular kettle of fish….
And the chaos is in the house following me from one room to the next (forgetting why I went in there or forgetting to shut cupboard doors. When did that start?)….ugh! So, time to go somewhere to get back in order! Not til after I get several commissions done and a few more shows out of the way first, though! :)